Step 3: Select, Change, or Remove Tag of Friends

After creating your tags in your CRM, you can begin selecting tags for your friends. You can tag your friends one by one or tag many at one time. Once a person has a tag you can easily change their tag or remove their tag.  

Select or Change Tag from Left Hand Side of Messenger 

1.  Click on the rectangle with three dots next to the person's name to view the dropdown box of your tags.
2.  Click on the tag you would like to assign the person.
3.  If the person already has a tag, you follow the same steps as above except the rectangle next to their name will not be the three dots. Instead, it will have the name of the person's current tag. 

Select or Change Tag Inside of the Pepper CRM Using the Bulk Tag Friends Button

Select or Change Tag for Individual Person 

1.  Click on the blue button that says "Bulk Tag Friends".
2.  Click on the tab "Untagged".
3.  Click on the empty rectangle box next to the person's name to view the dropdown box of your tags. 
4.  Click on the tag you would like to assign the person.
5.  If you would like to change a person's tag, follow the same steps as above except instead of clicking on the "untagged" tab you will click on the "tagged" tab.

Select Tag for Multiple People

1.  Click on the blue button that says "Bulk Tag Friends".
2.  Click on the tab "Untagged".
3.  Click on as many of the small squares to the left of a person's name to assign multiple people to the same tag. 
4.  Click on the "Select Tag" dropdown box in the section on the right hand side of your screen.
5.  Click on the tag you want to assign to all of the people you have selected.
6.  Click on the blue button that says "confirm".
7.  Click on the blue button again that says "confirm" when the box pops up asking, "Are you sure you want to do this?". 
8.  If you would like to change multiple people's tag, follow the same steps as above except instead of clicking on the "untagged" tab you will click on the "tagged" tab.
If you have any questions about this, please contact our support team by clicking here.
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